Oct 24

Planifica Ecuador, Congope and PROAmazonía will define an accompaniment strategy for GADs

The director of Land Use Planning and Articulation, Miguel Andrade, held a working meeting with technicians from the Comprehensive Amazon Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production-PROAmazonía and the Consortium of Provincial Autonomous Governments of Ecuador (Congope).

Date: September 9, 2019

Quito, (09-09-2019).- The director of Land Use Planning and Articulation, Miguel Andrade, held a working meeting on September 9, with technicians from the Comprehensive Amazon Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production-PROAmazonía and the Consortium of Provincial Autonomous Governments of Ecuador (Congope).

-Once the strategy is defined, work will begin with the organizations to provide feedback on the proposal

During the meeting, it was agreed to work together on a strategy of permanent technical support for decentralized autonomous governments (GAD) on formulating and updating Development and Land Management Plans (PDOT).

Once the strategy is defined, work will begin with the organizations to provide feedback on the proposal. After validation, it will be socialized with GADs so they can align their PDOT update processes with it.

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Department of Social Communication

(593 2) 397 8900 ext. 2823

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