Oct 24

Ecuador will receive 18.5 million dollars in international assistance to reduce deforestation

Ecuador is the second country to receive Payment for Results in the pilot program of the Green Climate Fund, which recognizes the country’s achievement in reducing deforestation. The country achieved a historical reduction of 48.6% in the deforestation rate over the past two decades.

Date: July 6, 2019

Bulletin N ° 271

July 06, 2019

  • Ecuador is the second country to receive Payment for Results in the pilot program of the Green Climate Fund, which recognizes the country’s achievement in reducing deforestation.
  • The country achieved a historical reduction of 48.6% in the deforestation rate over the past two decades.
  • After the financing is received, actions will be determined for 6 years to continue with conservation actions and sustainable management of resources.

South Korea.- The country will receive 18.5 million dollars from the Payment for Results pilot window of the Green Climate Fund according to its Board, which met in the city of Songdo on Saturday, July 6, 2019 (10:00 p.m. Ecuador time), after approving a proposal presented by Ecuador after meeting its Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction objectives by avoiding deforestation.

This milestone was achieved thanks to the government’s commitment to implementing actions and environmental policies to conserve forests and promote the sustainable use of biodiversity. The results obtained reflect a historical reduction of 48.6% in the net rate of deforestation over the past two decades. The country went from an annual net deforestation of 92,742 hectares in the 1990-2000 period, to 47,497 hectares in the 2008-2014 period.

“The financial recognition received encourages us to continue protecting the rights of nature, which involves conserving the forest heritage as a means of dealing with climate change, and managing natural resources sustainably for the benefit of the communities involved,” noted the Minister of the Environment, Marcelo Mata Guerrero.

The resources from Payment for Results will be used to strengthen the REDD+ Action Plan for the next six years and will help tackle climate change.

This initiative of the Ministry of Environment that was created with the support of the Italian Government and the assistance of the United Nations Development Program in Ecuador, will promote actions in indigenous territories; improve forest governance; regularize land tenure in Protective Forests and Protected Areas; promote public-private partnerships and sustainable economic alternatives for forest resources; promote sustainable production systems and encourage the restoration of deforested and degraded areas.

These actions will give continuity to the country’s efforts to reduce deforestation with the participation of various stakeholders from civil society, academia, the private sector, indigenous peoples and nationalities, montubio people, Afro-Ecuadorians and Non-Governmental Organizations, and provide access to more international financing.

Communications Department

Ministry of Environment

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