
May 21

We work with the Napo Provincial Decentralized Autonomous Government to reduce deforestation and promote the sustainable and integrated management of natural resources through proper land-use planning

PROAmazonía is the Comprehensive Amazon Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production of the Ministries of Environment and Agriculture and Livestock. It is supported by UNDP and seeks to link national greenhouse gas emissions reduction efforts to the country’s high-priority agendas and productive sector policies for reducing the causes and agents of deforestation, and promoting the sustainable and integrated management of natural resources with a landscape approach, within the framework of Ecuador’s REDD+ Action Plan “Forests for Good Living” 2016-2025.

Within this context, the Program supports the updating of the Development and Land Use Plan of the GAD of Napo Province and the GAD of Carlos Julio Arosemena Tola Canton, and emphasizes issues related to conservation, climate change and sustainable, deforestation-free production (agriculture, bioeconomics, and others), gender and interculturality in the different stages of the PDOT (Assessment, Proposal and Management Model), according to the competencies of each level of government. The goal is to implement local public policies that promote the integral sustainable development of the Amazon Province.

The PDOT is a technical and political planning instrument that guides local authorities in decision-making related to land management, and supports rational and sustainable use of resources, protection of the natural and cultural heritage, and regulation of interventions in the province, canton or parish.

The Provincial Government of Napo participated in the implementation of the NAPO GEF Project, financed by the Global Environment Fund. Its activities included the implementation of several processes and research applied to natural resources management. All these inputs are being used in updating the Provincial PDOT, and socialization processes have also been carried out with stakeholders involved in the development of the province to validate and contribute more criteria and information to this important planning instrument of the PDOT.

One of these socialization events took place in October last year with the active participation of stakeholders from the province, through which the main problem facing the Province in environment and production was defined and generated, as well as alternative solutions. As a complement to this work, the countless potentialities of Napo Province were highlighted. All these inputs were combined as part of the assessment phase and serve as an input for subsequent phases of the proposal and management model of the PDOT.

We invite citizens to follow PROAmazonía’s official channels and social media accounts for information about the development of these important planning instruments.

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