
Mar 02

Twintza Cantonal GAD approves its Land Use and Development Plan with the support of PROAmazonía

The Tiwintza Cantonal Autonomous Decentralized Government (GAD) in the Morona Santiago province approved its land use and development plan (PDOT) from December 22 to 29. The approval process was assisted by PROAmazonía, a program of the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock and of Environment and Water, with the support of UNDP.

The PDOTs are a planning tool for the GADs based on guidelines and directives that allow the management, control, administration, programming and articulation of public policies in their territories.

The Tiwintza PDOT approval process began with socialization sessions before the Cantonal Planning Council. The first sessions were held on December 14 and 15, 2020, where topics related to the biophysical, economic/productive components of the PDOT and the Rural Land Use and Management Plan (LUMP) were presented.

In these spaces, PROAmazonía had the opportunity to present the aforementioned topics to the members of the Council, highlighting their importance in meeting the Sustainable Development Goals. In addition to the need to work in an articulated manner to move forward  with the monitoring and evaluation of the plans, programs and projects indicated in the PDOT, which the program supported in its updating.

Continuing with the PDOT approval process, during December 22 and 29, 2020, the first and second debate of the “Ordinance that Approves the PDOT and LUMP Update of the Tiwintza Canton” were held respectively. The resolution was unanimously approved by Councilors Benito Anguasha, Nancy Chumbia, Darwin Mashiant, Segundo Shunio, Sandra Wisum and Mayor Wilfrido Calle Brito, whereby the PDOT became effective for a period of four years.

PROAmazonía has accompanied several Amazonian GADs in the PDOT update process. Its contribution has contemplated the insertion of conservation and sustainable production criteria under a climate change, gender and intercultural approach. To date, in the province of Morona Santiago, the Parish Councils of: Macuma and Sevilla Don Bosco, and now the Cantonal GAD of Tiwintza, have approved the plans.

PROAmazonía’s commitment is to continue supporting the GAD in the implementation of the plan. During 2021, it is planned to work on institutional strengthening related to the implementation of its PDOT and LUMP linked to information management. This, through support in the creation/updating, consolidation and strengthening of Local Information Systems (LIS), in accordance with current legislation. The objective is to strengthen its processes of information management and access, citizen participation, institution’s interdepartmental work, preparation of accountability, among others.


Photographs: Luis Alfonso Espinoza

Description: Twintza Cantonal GAD Planning Council Session (December 2020)

Author: Luis Alfonso Espinoza, Technician in Land Use and Development Plans of Morona Santiago