
Aug 26

Sustainable Coffee and Cocoa Platform: A Space for Dialogue in the northern Amazon

Spaces for productive dialogue such as the provincial table are held within the framework of PROAmazonía, a program of the Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock and Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, implemented by UNDP; with the aim of fostering dialogue and consensus among the different stakeholders interested in promoting the development of sustainable and deforestation- free supply chains; through the establishment of Regional Platforms of Sustainable Value Chains for Coffee, Cocoa, Oil Palm and Livestock.

On June 24, 2021, the third meeting of the provincial board was held in the province of Sucumbíos. The objective of this dialogue was to reach agreements with stakeholders in the province of Sucumbíos regarding the design, development, validation and implementation of the Regional Coffee and Cocoa Platform Action Plan 2020-2021 with the aim of promoting sustainable Amazonian coffee and cocoa production among stakeholders in Sucumbíos and Orellana.

During the meeting, the participants identified lines of action based on development and production, post-harvest and quality, promotion and marketing, and formed sub-working groups that will allow them to implement and follow up on the proposed lines of action.

The provincial roundtables are held within the framework of the implementation of PROAmazonía and through these meetings, the aim is to promote dialogue and consensus among the different stakeholders; promote the development of supply chains that are sustainable and free from deforestation through the establishment of Regional Platforms of Sustainable Value Chains for Coffee, Cocoa, Oil Palm and Livestock.

These spaces focus their efforts on accessing opportunities in niche markets that value the environment and sustainable production. In this way, producers can access differentiated prices, increase their income and adopt good environmental practices and certification schemes.

In the northern region, in Orellana and Sucumbíos, we are supporting the implementation of provincial roundtables to discuss coffee and cocoa issues of interest with producers and public and private institutions. These spaces promote the creation of a Northern Regional Platform, where common problems and a joint work agenda are identified, aimed at resolving and influencing the gaps in the value chains of these two products.

Dialogue spaces are an important instance of stakeholder participation and their orientation allows for the resolution of common problems. They are also opportunities where government and civil society come together to jointly build a territorial agenda, implement appropriate public policies and converge on similar lines of action in order to avoid duplication of efforts and optimize resources.

In the last 10 years, the primary sector of the coffee and cocoa chains in the northern Amazon in the provinces of Orellana and Sucumbíos has made several efforts to adapt to the increasingly demanding market conditions for a quality product. This has demanded that many producers organize themselves to request support from the entities. For this reason, PROAmazonía will continue to promote these spaces and support the implementation of measures and actions to promote sustainable deforestation-free production.

Photographs: Lucía Valverde

Description: Participants and speakers at the workshop of the Regional Coffee and Cocoa Platform Action Plan 2020-2021 (June 24, Sucumbíos)

Photographs: Lucía Valverde

Description: Participants and speakers at the workshop of the Regional Coffee and Cocoa Platform Action Plan 2020-2021 (June 24, Sucumbíos)

Author: Lucía Valverde, Technical Specialist in Associativity and Cooperativism – PROAmazonía