
Aug 26

Forest Administration System (FAS): A National Tool for Forest Control

PROAmazonía, a National Government program implemented by UNDP, supports the restructuring of processes corresponding to the computerized modules for Timber and Non-Timber Forest Products and Land Allocation; corresponding to the Forest Administration System (FAS).

The Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE) has the role of administering and controlling forest harvesting and management activities in the country. For this purpose, it applies computer tools for the automation, control and monitoring of the different activities and products coming from the forest, this system is called Forest Administration System (FAS).

Currently, licenses for forest use are obtained through this system, where users must generate a management plan for the area and comply with the technical and administrative requirements requested by the Environmental Authority.

Since 2019, about 67 technical requirements of the computer system have been restructured during the intervention of PROAmazonía, a program of the MAATE and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock with the support of UNDP, in order to optimize its functionality. The FAS restructuring work was developed based on the needs of extraction, mobilization and commercialization of timber and non-timber forest products and the dynamics of the land allocation process in order to provide an efficient service to the user.

The FAS system can be improved and requires continuous improvement to adapt to the requirements of the forestry sector and current environmental regulations, in an environment of constant change and evolution. This tool makes it possible to monitor and manage forest use at the national level in a sustainable manner.

In Ecuador, forest use has historically focused on timber products such as planks for flooring, wooden pillars, pingos and staves, among others, and has not considered other forest elements such as leaves, bark, roots, seeds, etc. These non-timber products can be used in a variety of ways to generate alternative livelihoods and provide economic resources to their owners without the need to cut down the trees.

It is important to mention that the harvesting of non-timber forest products must also be done in a sustainable and conscious manner, otherwise it can be detrimental due to overexploitation of the resource or if they are not used in a technical manner without exceeding their self-recovery capacity.

For this reason, the regulation and control of both timber and non-timber products must be properly managed.

Another fundamental aspect that influences proper forest management is the regularization of land use and tenure. To this end, it has been necessary to incorporate land allocation processes into the FAS computer system, which will provide a repository of information that will facilitate control processes in general.

The FAS provides a very useful tool that facilitates the processes of regularization, control and follow-up of these activities, but this work requires a technical and legal effort in the development of processes and a computer platform that allows its applicability in the field.

In this context, MAATE, within the framework of the implementation of PROAmazonía, is developing four computer modules focused on providing data and statistical reports in the forestry field, managing the procedure for the allocation of land within the State Forest Heritage, Forests and Protective Vegetation to owners with acquired rights. It also allows the incorporation of automated non-timber forest products into the system.

A mobile application has also been developed to facilitate the management of information on forestry control activities carried out in the 14 fixed forestry control posts located in the provinces of Esmeraldas, Imbabura, Pichincha, Sucumbíos, Orellana, Napo, Morona Santiago, Pastaza, in the mobile units, as well as at final destinations (sawmills, warehouses or other timber processing centers), and in forestry advisory and verification activities.


Photographs: Francisco Gómez

Description: MAATE technician reviews the guide delivered by the carrier with the help of the FAS.

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Author: Francisco Gómez – Technician in Forest Control, Traceability and Certification – PROAmazonía