
Jun 17

Ecuador provides the world with the production that the planet needs: quality and environmentally friendly

A part of the Ecuadorian Amazon travelled to Amsterdam and Milan. From June 23 to 25, representatives of the producing sector, authorities and specialized technicians will visit the “Chocao” and “World of Coffee” trade shows. The Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition (MAATE) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) with the support of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) through PROAmazonía promote the commercialization of sustainable deforestation-free coffee and cocoa in specialized markets.

With the aim of strengthening trade relations for sustainable coffee and cocoa from the Amazon and positioning Ecuador’s efforts as a leading country in forest conservation and sustainable production, a marketing strategy was implemented that includes its presence in key national and international trade shows.

The selected events, in which Ecuador will participate in the first semester of the 2022, include a visit to specialized trade shows in the Netherlands and Italy that attract more than 2.000 people and bring together more than 200 exhibitors and international coffee and cocoa experts. In this visit, the Ecuadorian delegation will have the opportunity to improve their knowledge in production systems, build customer loyalty, and establish new business opportunities. As well as positioning the work carried out by the country in favor of sustainable production and, at the same time, presenting the application of the model for reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD+).

Photography:: PROAmazonía
Description: Productores durante el análisis sensorial de las muestras de café en el taller interactivo con Lavazza Group

With this added value, the Ecuadorian Amazonian production will be consolidated in new competitive markets. In the case of Milan, the producers who will attend “World of Coffee” will participate in conferences, forums and meetings with potential clients. They will also go to the Lavazza Training Center in Turin to receive specialty coffee training. “I am very happy to visit Italy, to get to know a European market, it will allow us to increase our product quality,” said José Apolo from FAPECAFÉS, an organization that works with PROAmazonía in the export of the first batch of sustainable and deforestation-free coffee.

On the other hand, the edition of “Chocoa” in the Netherlands will be characterized by having an informative stand on the Ecuadorian Amazon that will be shared with the company Silva Cacao, an institution that supplies cocoa of origin to world-renowned chocolatiers and has participated in pilot processes for the commercialization of sustainable and deforestation-free cocoa with beneficiary organizations of PROAmazonía. Samael Castillo from APEOSAE expressed that “this tour will allow us to expand our knowledge and will strengthen our commercial ties. We hope to be able to return with good news for our producers.”

Description: Centro de Acopio FAPECAFÉS – Zamora Chinchipe

In this event, the deforestation-free chocolate bar from Ecuador will be presented, a product that was made by Mike and Becky from Belgium, renowned chocolatiers and who used a fine aroma cocoa from APEOSAE, through the commercial alliance promoted by PROAmazonía and Silva Cacao. This delicious bar represents the efforts of the national and international community that come from sustainable production systems, where good agricultural practices are implemented that contribute to the conservation of forests and are characterized by high quality.

The delegates of the organizations that will travel abroad have participated in the implementation of sustainable production actions together with PROAmazonía, such as the strengthening of capacities and knowledge for producers through the Field Schools where good agricultural practices that have a friendly approach to the environment, the survey of farm perimeters (forest monitoring), the repowering of collection centers, among others.

The organizations that will participate in these international fairs belong to the provinces of Zamora Chinchipe and Sucumbíos and have demonstrated their commitment to implement sustainable practices that are friendly to the environment and to promote high-quality products that can be sold in national and foreign markets.

Photography:: PROAmazonía
Description: Productores durante el análisis sensorial de las muestras de café en el taller interactivo con Lavazza Group

  • The Artisanal Agricultural Association of organic producers “Cuencas del Río Mayo”  (ACRIM)
  • The Association of Small Organic Agricultural Exporters of the South of the Ecuadorian Amazon (APEOSAE)
  • The Association of Ecological Coffee Growers of Palanda (APECAP)
  • The Regional Federation of Associations of Small Ecological Coffee Growers of the  South (FAPECAFES)
  • The Association of producers of coffee, cocoa and other ecological products of Lago Agrio (APROCEL). 

Photography:: PROAmazonía
Description: Visita de autoridades a centro de acopios: ACRIM-APECAP-FAPECAFÉS. Zamora Chinchipe