
Aug 26

Partnerships for the development of opportunities strengthen sustainable cocoa production in northern Amazon

The National Government, with the support of the UNDP through PROAmazonía, provides technical assistance to cocoa organizations in the Amazon to strengthen certified sustainable production through the incorporation of good agricultural practices, capacity building and traceability to boost demand in differentiated markets.

In this regard, PROAmazonía, in cooperation with the Union of Cocoa Farmers Organizations of Ecuador (UNOCACE), will support 363 cocoa producers until 2022 in the improvement of post-harvest processes, traceability and marketing of 540 hectares in the province of Sucumbíos.

Photographs: Courtesy of the Union of Cocoa Farmers Organizations of Ecuador (UNOCACE).

Description: Coordination meetings with cocoa producers in the northern Amazon.


Within the framework of this alliance, with an investment of more than 174 thousand dollars, a participatory, experiential and biosecure methodology is being implemented, enabling the beneficiary organizations to strengthen their capacities and incorporate sustainable and deforestation-free production standards to improve the quality of their processes and obtain various certifications: organic, good agricultural practices, fair trade, among others, with the aim of accessing differentiated markets.

In addition, the perimeter survey will also be carried out in approximately 360 farms, and an estimated 30% commercial growth is expected in the organizations participating in this project.

“The increase in marketing that is projected through this agreement with UNOCACE will be the result of accessing a differentiated market at the international level, which recognizes the quality of the products and rewards the efforts of certified sustainable production.” Explained Karina Amaluisa, Technical Expert in Marketing of PROAmazonía.

The cocoa in Ecuador, stands out for its flavor and aroma; its floral and fruity variety is unique in the world. Historically, it has been used in the production of chocolates because of its specialty, with a national production of 93,000 tons, of which 20,193 tons correspond to the production of the six Amazonian provinces. Most of this production comes from indigenous production systems called “Chakra” by the Kichwa nationality communities and “Ajá” by the Shuar nationalities.

Photographs: Courtesy of the Union of Cocoa Farmers Organizations of Ecuador (UNOCACE).

Description: Approach and training for cocoa producers in the northern Amazon.

“We are pleased to work with UNOCACE, because access to this type of certification gives us a competitive advantage and allows us to take care of the forests. The cocoa cultivation allows for carbon sequestration, which contributes to climate change mitigation.” Said Marco Guilcapi, PROAmazonía’s Sustainable Cocoa technical specialist.

The responsible parties’ agreement, which will be executed until August 2022, is 24.5% complete. Producers expect to gradually improve post-harvest processes, traceability and expand their commercial actions with a sustainable and deforestation-free approach.

Photographs: Courtesy of the Union of Cocoa Farmers Organizations of Ecuador (UNOCACE).

Description: Implementation of Organic Certification and Fair Trade in cocoa production organizations in the province of Sucumbíos.


Thus, PROAmazonía, a program led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, with the support of UNDP Ecuador, promotes forest conservation and sustainable development in the Amazon Special Territorial Circumscription (CTEA) through a series of social, economic and productive strategies, including the development of opportunities and market relations in the coffee, cocoa, palm and livestock chains. Products with the largest cultivation area in the Amazon region of the country.

Author: Karina Amaluisa, Technical Expert in Marketing of PROAmazonía.