Jan 29

Boletín de prensa No. 2 Ecuador: Anfitrión del “Encuentro Internacional de Intercambio de Experiencias relacionado con Sistemas de Información de Salvaguardas de REDD+”


On January 21 and 22, 2020, the First “International Meeting for Sharing Experiences with Safeguards Information Systems” was held in Quito, which is an essential requirement that countries must meet to access financing for Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+), which must be presented at the United Nations Conference on Climate Change.

The safeguards are a set of measures for minimizing or mitigating social and environmental risks that could result from activities to reduce emissions caused by deforestation and forest degradation. The creation of an information system allows countries to report, generate indicators and make decisions related to REDD+.

The event was attended by Daysi Cárdenas of the National Directorate for Climate Change Mitigation of the Ministry of Environment (MAE) and Fernánda Gónzalez, Official Program Officer of the Environment and Energy Program Area of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP). Two international experts were also present, Andrea Camacho from the UN REDD Program and Victoria Suárez from UNDP Climate and Forest. Delegations and experts from Paraguay, Chile, Costa Rica and Mexico participated in the academic day.

Francisco Moreno, Forestry Information Manager of the National Forestry Commission of Mexico, one of the speakers, said “One of the main achievements is the understanding and interpretation of REDD+ safeguards in Mexico. We linked the safeguards information system to the rights to implement and care for forests in the National REDD+ Strategy”

Successful experiences and lessons learned in the region were presented during the activity for designing and implementing Information Systems, and inputs, tools, recommendations, and others, were identified. Moreover, methodologies used by each country to collect and publish information were studied. On this occasion, Ecuador established collaborative ties with sister countries as well as a roadmap to start its information system.

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