
May 04

Ecuador advances in the Certification process for Sustainable Agricultural Production

(The note contains graphics in Spanish)

On April 9, 2021, in a virtual event, as the next phase of the launch of the Interministerial Agreement for the Certification of Sustainable and Deforestation-Free Agricultural Production, which was signed on January 26 between the Ministry of Environment and Water, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock and the Animal and Plant Health Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad), this proposal was socialized with the Associations of agricultural producers, with the aim of collecting their concerns and recommendations to this mechanism.

This process establishes a roadmap that includes, among its actions, the contributions and suggestions of the participants in the inputs that will form part of the technical standard; through a digital platform enabled by the Ministry of Environment and Water (MAAE). After this process, the technical standard scheduled for May 2021 will be approved and launched.

In this way, the commitments established in the framework of the interministerial agreement, which establishes a 90-day term for the issuance of the corresponding technical standards, as well as their control and follow-up process, are fulfilled. The objective of the Certification for Sustainable and Deforestation-Free Agricultural Production in Continental Ecuador (CPASLD) is to provide Ecuadorian farmers with a competitive advantage in order to distinguish their products in national and international markets. In addition, it seeks to combine the competencies of two State portfolios through the Certification of Good Agricultural Practices and the Green Initiative for Deforestation-Free Agricultural Production.

The certification is part of the REDD+ Action Plan “Bosques para el Buen Vivir” 2016- 2025, which has deployed actions focused on promoting the insertion of producers in the new trends of the global market, considering that the growing international demand to eliminate deforestation in the world has led to increasingly stringent regulations.

These actions strengthen the national strategy “Premium & Sustainable,” which seeks to position Ecuador as a benchmark in sustainable agriculture models, and allows to create opportunities for marketing products in new markets, through a coordinated effort between the MAG, Agrocalidad, with the support of the MAAE and international cooperation agencies such as the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and PROAmazonía. A national government program that supports producers in the Ecuadorian Amazon in implementing sustainable practices and strengthening their knowledge in the use of good agricultural practices.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Executive Director of the Animal and Plant Health Regulation and Control Agency (Agrocalidad), and the Manager of PROAmazonía, Patricia Serrano. Representatives of the country’s agro-productive associations also participated in the meeting; and independent producers.

Description: Explanation of the process and background of the concept of “Deforestation-Free”

Photo: Communication Unit of PROAmazonía

Description: Infographic of the participation process in the public consultation for the certification of good agricultural practices + deforestation-free

Author: Communication Unit of PROAmazonía