
Jun 27

In Italy, Ecuador presents its supply of sustainable and deforestation-free Amazonian coffee

Milan, June 23, 2022

From June 23-25, an Ecuadorian delegation conformed by authorities of the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) and producers of Amazonian coffee participate in the  “World of Coffee” Fair, an international event that takes place every year in an itinerant fashion. 

On this occasion, the 2022 edition of the coffee specialized fair will take place in the city of Milan, where representatives of the leading companies of the sector meet to show their state-of-the-art  tendencies regarding production, handling and commercialization of specialty coffee at a world-wide level. 

The delegation is composed by directors from  APECAP, ACRIM  and the Federation of Southern Coffee Growers of Ecuador (FAPECAFES), which puts together six productive associations that benefit 400 families of the Provinces of El Oro, Loja and Zamora. This participation represents an opportunity for Ecuador to deploy, in differentiated markets, the efforts that it is making to encourage a sustainable and deforestation-free production and, in this case, sustainable Amazonian coffee, which meets with the highest  quality standards, while incorporating environmentally sound and responsible agricultural practices that contribute to the preservation of the forest and prevent the expansion of the agricultural frontier.  

These actions are part of the monitoring pilot of deforestation and traceability promoted through  PROAmazonía, a program from the National Government that is supported by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP),  which encourages the conservation of the forests and the sustainable,  gender-based and intercultural deforestation-free production in the Ecuadorian Amazonia.


Photography: PROAmazonía
Description: Fair World of Coffee – Milán

Key information:

  • In December 2021, the interest of the Italian company  LAVAZZA  was confirmed to purchase a  250, 69 kilo-sack container of Ecuadorian Amazonian Arabica coffee, which is under a monitoring and traceability system to promote forest conservation . 
  • The Association of Ecological Coffee Growers of Palanda Canton (APECAP)
  • The Organic Artisan Producers Agricultural Association “Cuencas del Río Mayo” (ACRIM) Is located in the City of Zumba on the south of the Province of Zamora Chinchipe.
  • 70% of the coffee commercialized by FAPECAFÉS  comes from the  Association of Ecological Coffee Growers of Palanda  (APECAP) and from the Organic Artisan Producers Agricultural Association “Cuencas del Río Mayo” (ACRIM), who  are also part of the deforestation and traceability monitoring pilot through PROAmazonía.
  • The business relation between FAPECAFES and LAVAZZA, for the first export of sustainable and deforestation-free Amazonian coffee represents a milestone at the international level, as it is part of Ecuador’s pioneer initiative to reduce deforestation through the REDD+ approach.


Photography: PROAmazonía
Description: Fair World of Coffee – Milán

For more information, please contact:

Jose Arturo Santos,