Oct 24

Second National Forest Assessment (ENF) begins

The Ministry of Environment of Ecuador has started the second National Forest Assessment (II ENF) with technical support from FAO through the Comprehensive Amazon Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production – PROAmazonía. Date: September 13, 2019


The Ministry of Environment of Ecuador started the second National Forest Assessment (II ENF) with technical support from FAO through the Comprehensive Amazon Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production – PROAmazonía with the aim of providing reliable information on the state of the country’s forest resources for decision-making about their regulation, management and administration.

This process will provide inputs for an assessment and proper planning of the state of forests, their biodiversity and their contributions to strengthening the livelihoods of the population; and will allow the country to meet the measurement, reporting, and verification (MRV) requirements of its National REDD+ Strategy and international commitments.

In collaboration with the Amazonian Research, Postgraduate and Conservation Center (CIPCA) of Universidad Estatal Amazónica (UEA), a training workshop was carried out from September 02 to 10, 2019, for the technical team that will form the field brigades to gather information for the II NFE. Ministry of Environment officials from the provinces of Pastaza and Morona Santiago, FAO and UEA students learned techniques and practices for implementing the second National Forest Assessment. The participants received information on the use of tools and methodologies, as well as communication strategies for interacting with rural communities, first aid and occupational health and safety.

In addition, an advanced team was formed to socialize the activities and reach out to authorities, communities and forest owners, before information gathering by the field brigade begins. This socialization process began in June 2019, with the support Ministry of Environment officials from the central office and from the Provincial Directorates of Pastaza and Morona Santiago.

These activities initiated the process of collecting and updating information on ecosystem biodiversity, forest species, traditional forest uses, non-timber forest products and the services that forests provide to communities throughout the country.

Photo gallery: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmGVB5nf

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