
Nov 22

Paquisha has a territorial planning tool

In the Paquisha Canton, Province of Zamora Chinchipe, the Ministry of the Environment, water and Ecological Transition (MAATE) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock  (MAG) within the framework of the actions of the Amazonian Integral Forest Conservaion and  Sustainable Production Program (PROAmazonía), with  the support of the United Nations Development Program  (UNDP), the Document for the Territorial Development and Management Plan (PDOT) of the Paquisha Canton  was delivered.

To implement the PDOT, it is necessary to disseminate its contents, strategies and proposals with the aim of finding partners and stakeholders to establish cooperation mechanisms for its execution.  With his in mind, PROAmazonía provided support to disseminate this planning tool through the printing of 35 copies of the document and the delivery of 100 external memories (flash memories) containing the PDOT in a digital format with all its relevant anexes and accompanying regulations framework, to be distributed and socialized among the local stakeholders.

In her speech, Paola Cañar,  Zonal Director of the MAATE in Zamora Chinchipe  pointed out : “The PDOTs, express the vision and territorial model that will be the framework for sustainable development within your territory, built upon citizen participation processes; moreover they guide public investment and define integral projects based upon the proposed development model, in harmony with the environment” for which this state entity shall provide its support to consolidate a regulation framework in the conservation and sustainable domain within the canton.

For his part, Junior Roa, delegate of the MAG in Zamora Chinchipe, announced some actions that are part of the generation of capacities of the producers of the locality, guaranteeing a sustainable production, such as the Field Schools (ECAs). At the level of the Province of Zamora Chinchipe, 35 ECAs are being imlemented with 756 beneficiaries in the first stage,  within the framework of the execution of the Training and Technical Assistance Program for the Production of Sustainable Livestock, promoted by the MAG, through PROAmazonía, with support from the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center (CATIE). In Paquisha itself, a livestock ECA is being developed in the Parish of Nuevo Quito and another one in Bellavista.

Councilman Cléver Salinas, delegate of the Mayor of Paquisha, Lic. Ángel Calva, thanked for the support provided by the intervening state entities, within the framework of the implementation of PROAmazonía. He also presented this instrument that will contribute to the development of the Paquisha Canton.

The support provided by PROAmazonía for the updating of the PDOT in the Paquisha Canton, in its three stages:  diagnosis, proposal and management model, was meant to guarantee the incorporation of the climate change incorporation, sustainable production and the gender and interculturality mainstreaming, which direct us towards the compliance and application of the safeguards that are established in Ecuador’s REDD+ Action Plan.

Photo: Ericka Hidalgo-PROAmazonía
Description: Local Authorities and technical team of the Paquisha GAD in the PDOT delivery event 



  • Andrea Sarmiento, Territorial Development Planning Technician in Zamora – PROAmazonía