Oct 24

Planifica Ecuador provides GADs with toolboxes for formulating/updating PDOTs

The provincial, cantonal and parochial guides are the result of discussions with public stakeholders at the local and national level and civil society organizations, supported by PROAmazonía.

Date: August 20, 2019.

Quito, (08-20-2019).- To guide provincial, municipal and parochial decentralized autonomous governments (GAD) in the process of formulating/updating of their Development and Land Use Plans, the Planifica Ecuador Technical Secretariat published PDOT Guidelines for each level of government.

The three guides are the result of discussions with public stakeholders at the local and national level and civil society organizations.

The documents are divided into three sections: the first contains the referential framework, with definitions and general guidelines. The second presents the minimum contents that a Territorial Development and Organization Plan (PDOT) must have. The last section contains the procedure for formulating or updating it. It provides methodological recommendations to technicians responsible for planning processes in GADs.

The three guides are the result of discussions with public stakeholders at the local and national level and civil society organizations. They are aimed at authorities and technical staff of GADs, authorities and technical staff of central State institutions and their decentralized agencies, and public and private financial entities related to managing GADs, civil society organizations and planners of the country.

The guides are available on the institutional website at the following links:

More information:

Department of Social Communication

(593 2) 397 8900 ext. 2823

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