
May 21

Final days for registering to participate in our forest conservation and sustainable production photography contest

The Ministries of the Environment, Agriculture and Livestock and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) financed by the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the Global Environment Fund (GEF), through Proamazonía, the Comprehensive Amazon Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production, joined the commemoration of April 22, Earth Day, when citizens remember the importance of and the need to promote harmony between human beings and nature.

“Earth Day” was established to raise awareness about the problems of climate change, overpopulation, pollution, biodiversity conservation, and other issues related to environmental protection. PROAmazonía helps strengthen the skills and involvement of stakeholders to promote the mitigation of climate change through forest conservation and sustainable production. On this occasion, citizens (productive sectors and civil society) were invited to participate in a photography and painting contest.

The contest has three categories: sustainable production, forest conservation and responsible consumption. The contest rules were published on the website: and the applicants’ work will be accepted until June 12, 2020. Today more than ever, in Ecuador and the entire world, a change of attitude is needed regarding a more sustainable economy for humans and the planet. For this reason, on “Earth Day”, PROAmazonía reaffirms its commitment to implementing initiatives to reduce deforestation in the country.

Ecuador, for example, is one of the pioneer countries in implementing REDD+ actions to conserve its native forest, contribute to carbon storage and avoid greenhouse gas emissions to the atmosphere.

Participation form:

Competition rules:

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