
May 04

PROAmazonía joins the #JuntosXLaTierra campaign to plant 100,000 trees

Within the framework of forest conservation and restoration actions, PROAmazonía, a program of the Ministry of Environment and Water and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, with support from UNDP, is joining the “Juntos x la tierra” initiative as of April 26, 2021. The main objective is to raise public awareness of the importance of conserving forests, because of their contribution to the environment, to health and as an action that contributes to mitigating the effects of climate change.

The Ministry of Environment and Water, in alliance with its strategic partners and within the framework of PROAmazonía, will plant 100,000 trees between April and June 2021 in the Ecuadorian Amazon, as part of the actions promoted by the National Forest Restoration Plan 2019-2030. The timber and non-timber species to be planted are native to the Amazon, including cedar, balsa, chonta, morete, guadua, batea, guanábana, ajo de monte, ungurahua, and mahogany, among the most representative species.

This tree planting campaign will be carried out with the collaboration of three partners: Altrópico Foundation, HIVOS and the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Cascales, who are currently implementing restoration projects in the Napo, Pastaza, Sucumbíos and Orellana provinces, in close coordination with indigenous communities. The restoration projects will benefit more than 14,000 people by supporting local bio-entrepreneurships, improving community nurseries, generating local employment, and strengthening environmental, organizational and project management capacities.

This initiative will involve citizens through a social media campaign in which people can participate with a like or share on Facebook and for each of these interactions, a tree will be planted until the goal is reached. At the Juntos por la Tierra website (, users can learn more about reforestation and discover interesting facts about forests and their multiple ecosystem benefits.

#JuntosXlaTierra started in 2019 as an initiative of the Ecuadorian actor and environmentalist Roberto Manrique, who undertook a 29-day trip between Quito and Santiago de Chile to raise awareness about climate change. The 6,986 km route was carried out without financial resources, but with the selfless help of several people. During this journey, Roberto understood the importance of maintaining a healthy environment and the relationship of the inhabitants with their surroundings. In exchange for these acts of good faith, Manrique pledged to plant 33,494 trees and to raise public awareness of the importance of caring for the environment.

The trees planted during the campaign are part of the restoration of 15,000 hectares in the Ecuadorian Amazon, under forest restoration processes of the National Reforestation Program of the Ministry of Environment and Water. This initiative is part of the implementation of REDD+ restoration, conservation and sustainable forest management activities promoted by the Environmental Authority with the support of PROAmazonía and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

The launching event was attended by: Marcelo Mata, Minister of Environment and Water of Ecuador; Matilde Mordt, UNDP Resident Representative in Ecuador; Roberto Manrique, creator of the Juntos por la Tierra initiative; Fernando Ramos, Manager of the National Reforestation Program, Patricia Serrano, Manager of PROAmazonía; Carlos Villareal, Executive Director of Altrópico Foundation; Nixon Ríos, Director of Environmental Management of the Decentralized Autonomous Government of Cascales; and Doris Ortiz, Executive Director of HIVOS, among other authorities.

Photograph: Communication Unit

Description: Virtual launch event

Author: Communication Unit of PROAmazonía