Through technical assistance, innovation and the introduction of best environmental practices PROAmazonía promotes the productive transition to sustainable and deforestation-free systems in the value chains of the four products with the largest growing area in the Amazon region: palm, cocoa, coffee and livestock.

The actions carried out are part of the work of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, coordinating activities with its different programs, projects and initiatives.

This component works on the creation of regional platforms and action plans for supply chains, associative strengthening, technical assistance, implementation of certification and traceability schemes for sustainable and deforestation-free products, and promotion of responsible procurement of these products.

The project also supports Ecuador’s National Premium & Sustainable strategy for the entry of major Ecuadorian products into international markets with differentiation in quality and sustainable production issues.


About $1,400,000 has been invested in the purchase of plants, seeds and vegetative material for delivery to more than five thousand beneficiary producers of the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, in agreement with INIAP.


  • 45 thousand ha integrated sustainable production systems.

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  • 60,000 direct beneficiaries transition to sustainable production

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