
Sep 26


Amazonian producers and bioenterprises supported by PROAmazonía, a program of the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock that is implemented through UNDP, participated in the X edition of the “Macro-round 2022 More Ecuador in the World” which took place on September 13 and 14 in Guayaquil. The objective of the participation in this event was to disseminate, among the business sector, the country’s progress in sustainable production and forest conservation, through the implementation of a traceability pilot at the level of producing farms.

The Business Macro-Round Ecuador is the most important business platform in the country, where the main representatives of 15 productive sectors that boost Ecuadorian foreign trade met, promoting a premium quality exportable offer. This business scene received 300 Ecuadorian exporters and more than 90 international buyers and managers of the highest level from countries such as Germany, Belgium, Bolivia, China, Colombia, United States, United Kingdom, among others.

At this Macro-round, the producers of the Association of Small Organic Agricultural Exporters of the Southern Ecuadorian Amazon (APEOSAE) were also present, an organization that receives technical assistance from PROAmazonía, which brings together more than 180 producing families, of which 39% are part of the Amazonian Nationalities and Indigenous Peoples.

For Vicente Medina, president of APEOSAE, the Business Macro-round 2022 is an opportunity to show buyers the offer of Amazonian coffee, cacao and value-added products such as chocolates, among others; the same ones  that have deforestation-free monitoring “Thanks to the support of PROAmazonía we can be more visible in commercial spaces, which has allowed us to reach new markets and have new customers” .


Photos: Communication Unit – PROAmazonía
Description:  Producers of the Association of Small Organic Agricultural Exporters of the South of the Ecuadorian Amazon (APEOSAE), participate in the Business Macro-round with their sustainable production of coffee and cacao. 


Karina Amaluisa, Technical Expert in Marketing of PROAmazonía, who managed the scheduling of business appointments held by APEOSAE with entrepreneurs from Chile, Mexico, Italy, Germany and Turkey and facilitated communication in English, highlighted the interest by potential customers for the productive offer of the organization, which is mainly characterized by offering organic sustainable products, and thanks to the piloting of forest monitoring, it has allowed them to be pioneers in the process of commercial linkage with European companies.

Also, during the event, through an institutional stand, a sample of approximately 30 bioenterprises of the Ecuadorian Amazon was presented, among which were handcrafts, cosmetics, guayusa drinks, among others. The promotion of bioenterprises is a strategy for forest conservation. The diversification of livelihoods for communities seeks to improve economic and socio-cultural conditions through the sustainable use of non-timber forest products from natural forests.


Photos: Communication Unit- PROAmazonía
Description: PROAmazonía stand with bioenterprises from the Ecuadorian Amazon.


Along this line, Gina Rivera, representative of Peruvian Supermarkets, who was able to learn about the products exhibited at the stand, expressed: “This event has been a great opportunity to learn about the development of the food industry and the care in food safety processes to achieve quality products. I am happy to know everything that Ecuador offers” .

Learn more about the current Amazon offer of Bioenterprises and Coffee and Cacao; you can also contact the marketing department by mail: