
Aug 26

REDD+ in the Amazon is strengthened through the first group of indigenous peoples and nationalities

On July 10 and 11 in Macas, province of Morona Santiago, the first meeting of the REDD+ working group of Amazonian indigenous organizations took place with the objective of articulating actions in favor of the care of natural resources and sustainable development in the framework of the implementation of the REDD+ Action Plan, and in compliance with the collective rights of indigenous peoples and nationalities.

Photograph: José Miguel Galvez – PROAmazonía

Description: Representatives of the first working group of the REDD+ Working table of Amazonian indigenous organizations, Macas, Morona Santiago province, July 2021.


Fourteen Amazonian indigenous organizations participated in this meeting to collectively build a work plan that responds to their worldview and also contributes to national policies aimed at reducing deforestation in the Amazonian provinces of our country, hand in hand with the environmental authority, within the framework of their interests and competencies.

This meeting was attended by Karina Barrera, Undersecretary of Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition; Patricia Serrano, Manager of the Amazonian Integral Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production (PROAmazonía); as well as representatives of the fourteen Amazonian indigenous organizations that are part of the REDD+ Working Table of Ecuador: AMWAE, AMUKINA, Association of Shuar Centers of Morona Santiago, COICA, CONFENIAE, COKIWA, Corporation of Producers Associations of the Chakra of Napo, Yumisim Shuar Community – PSB, FEPNASH-ZCH, FOIN, NAOQUI, Network of Socio Forest Communities of Napo.

Photograph: José Miguel Galvez – PROAmazonía

Description: Closing of the second day of work of the first working group of the REDD+ Working Table of Amazonian indigenous organizations,

Macas, Morona Santiago province, July 2021

In this sense, the involvement of Amazonian indigenous peoples and nationalities has a fundamental role in the development of the actions carried out by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition, in the framework of the implementation of the REDD+ Action Plan with its PROAmazonía Program, in its efforts to promote forest conservation and sustainable deforestation-free production in the Ecuadorian Amazon.

For eight years, the REDD+ Working Table has been a national space for dialogue and citizen participation, legitimately representing the diversity of social actors with interests and rights over forests.

Author: Communication Unit