Apr 03


“There can be no conservation without sustainable human development,” was a principle expressed by the Dry Forest Association, which is part of the Dry Forest Biosphere Reserve, upon completing the training workshop on sustainable development. 21 leaders of five bio-enterprises attended a series of workshops from November 22, 2019 to February 11, 2020, that included 96 hours of training on human qualities; focus and principles of the popular and solidarity economy in the management of enterprises; planning and structure of associative ventures; development of internal regulations for associations and basic accounting for companies.

The graduation ceremony was held last February 14 in the city of Zapotillo, and occupational certificates endorsed by the Technical Secretariat of the National System of Professional Qualifications through the training operator, Fundación Educativa Monseñor Cándido Rada, were presented. The event was attended by German Sánchez, vice president of the Dry Forest Association; Efrén Vidal, Mayor of Zapotillo; Graciela Sánchez, deputy director of FUNDER; Guido Condoy, Representative of PROAmazonia; and Vicente Solórzano, Coordinator of the Dry Forest Association.

This training workshop took place during the implementation the “Management of ecosystem restoration as a mechanism for adaptation, mitigation and local resilience to global climate changes in the dry forest biosphere reserve-RBBS,” project executed by the Dry Forest Association in coordination with the Municipalities and financed by the Comprehensive Amazon Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production (PROAmazonía), the Ministry of Environment (MAE), the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) and the United Nations Development Program (UNDP).

German Sánchez stated that the best investment that cooperation agencies and the association can make is to support the strengthening and development of local skills so that they can be the shapers of their own development. “With bio-enterprises, economy and income alternatives can be generated in the short and medium term. We reiterate our commitment to the promotion and development of these noble purposes by the Dry Forest Association,” he said.

The participating beneficiaries were: Pisaca de Paltas Agricultural Production Association; Manuel Castro de Zapotillo Marketing Services Association; San Antonio de Macara Beekeepers Association; Delicias Naturales de Puyango Agricultural Production Association; and Cristo del Consuelo de Pindal Handicraft Association, as well as three extension workers from the Dry Forest Association.

At the end of the training process, each enterprise possessed the necessary skills and instruments to develop and implement an administrative and operational management plan; instruments for monitoring and controlling administrative activities; model internal regulations for operating a social organization and a basic financial records model for the enterprise.

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