
Nov 23

Zamora Chinchipe creates its provicial roundtable to discuss about Climate and Forest Issues

On September 30 in the Province of Zamora Chinchipe, several local actors met to learn about the work carried out by the provincial GAD with the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition since 2019 on inter-institutional articulation.

The Provincial GAD of Zamora Chinchipe, along with the parish and cantonal GAD, social organizations, such as the Political Coordinator of Ecuadorian Women of Zamora Chinchipe (CPMEZCH), the Provincial Federation of Shuar Nationality of Zamora Chinchipe-CH (FEPNASH-CH), the Private Technical University of Loja (UTPL) and Planifica Ecuador, in coordination with the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock; through PROAmazonía (a National Government program with UNDP support) and the NCI ─International Nature and Culture Foundation─ constituted the provincial roundtable for climate and forests in Zamora Chinchipe.

During this event, local authorities signed the “ Zamora Chinchipe Agreement” to constitute the Provincial Roundtable for the Climate and Forests, an interinstitutional articulation space to enable concrete actions for conservation, ecological restoration, sustainable forest management, and bioenterpreneurships within the Province.

One of the commitments set forth in this agreement is the roadmap to achieve the REDD+ action plan targets and incorporate policies, actions and preestablished projects with the PDOTs, within the framework of forest conservation and deforestation-free sustainable production.

The Provincial Roundtable for the Climate and Forests of Zamora Chinchipe is aimed at articulating the local territorial planning of the Province with a REDD+ approach to achieve a coordinated management within the territory among the engaged actors and the active participation of the population.

This roundtable is led by the Provincial GAD and works at the technical and executive level. It is constituted by MATTE, MAG, SENAPLA technical delegates and representatives of women, Indigenous Nationalities, UTPL and NCI organizations. Moreover, it is focused on the REDD+components: 1. Policy and institutinal management; 2. Transition towards sustainable productive systems; 3. Sustainable forest management and 4. Conservation and Restoration.

In tis respect, the articulation work is based upon the REDD+ Action Plan Ecuador, the Zamora Chinchipe Climate Change Provincial Strategy – CONGOPE, the Territorial Management and Development Plan 2019-2023 and the Governors’ Forum on Climate to strengthen the interinstitutional articulation, international cooperation, climate change and forests.


For further information please visit:

Prefectura lidera la mesa provincial por el clima y los bosques en Zamora Chinchipe


Photo: Ericka Hidalgo-PROAmazonía
Description: Local Authorities and technical team of the Paquisha GAD in de PDOT delivery event


  • Ericka Hidalgo, PROAmazonía Platform Technician