Raising public awareness of environmental and natural resource conservation issues is a challenge that requires long-term processes to strengthen capacities and generate knowledge in key sectors and actors in the... read more →
Ecuador, thanks to its efforts to implement sustainable production at the national level, has become a pioneer in this cause. Through the Premium & Sustainable strategy, which was launched in... read more →
On January 26, 2021, in the province of Zamora Chinchipe, the training and technical assistance program began for more than 3,000 farmers in the six Amazonian provinces in the cocoa... read more →
Faced with the threat of climate change, many governments and private entities have committed to promoting conservation and reducing deforestation. Progress is significant in some cases, but in others, the... read more →
Since the early 1980s, oil palm has become one of the main crops in the provinces of Orellana and Sucumbíos, located in the northern part of the Ecuadorian Amazon. According... read more →
On December 17, 2020, at the Pindo Mirador Research Center of the Mera canton, PROAmazonía participated in the General Assembly of the Pastaza Local Environmental Education Advisory Council, during which... read more →
Eight years after its creation, it is possible to say that the REDD+ Working Table has accomplished its work. This space has managed to integrate the vision of various social... read more →
El 24 de julio, se realizó la entrega del estudio de Brechas de género de la Amazonía ecuatoriana, una investigación aplicada en 6 provincias de la Amazonía, que recoge un... read more →