¿Cómo llegan a nuestras mesas las tazas de café durante el COVID-19? Mientras el mundo se enfrenta a una crisis sin precedentes por la pandemia, la discusión sobre los alimentos... read more →
PROAmazonía y la Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja UTPL llevaron a cabo el Simposio “Biodiversidad ecuatoriana: un futuro promisorio POSCOVID,” un evento que se desarrolló durante el mes de julio del 2020, en el formato de cuatro webinars y un taller virtual, que... read more →
¿Sabías que el Ecuador es considerado uno de los 17 países megadiversos del mundo1, y que, el 80% de sus bosques se encuentran en su región Amazónica, la misma que... read more →
El 9 de julio se suscribió un Memorándum de Entendimiento entre el Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo (PNUD) y la Corporación Interamericana de Inversiones BID Invest, por... read more →
In collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Water, the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, and producer organizations, PROAmazonía participated in the development of the draft Oil Palm Law. This... read more →
Webinars to promote resilience in agriculture in times of COVID– 19 Mr. Pérez: We invite you to be in the Webinar ... But how do I get there? If I... read more →
PROAmazonía was selected along with 12 other international proposals The Comprehensive Amazon Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production (PROAmazonía) is an initiative of the Ministries of Environment and Water... read more →
Agricultural production processes are accompanied by the inevitable generation of greenhouse gases (CO2), a product of natural or anthropic processes typical of this activity. Today, humanity urgently faces the dilemma... read more →
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), the Ministry of Environment and Water (MAAE) and the National Institute of Agricultural Research (INIAP), through the Comprehensive Amazon Program for Forest Conservation... read more →
Eddie Pesántez is the current Vice Minister of Agricultural Productive Development of Ecuador. His career as a technician, consultant, advisor and manager of companies and organizations attests to his leadership... read more →