A Life Plan is an instrument that helps peoples and nationalities plan their development and set objectives and goals aligned with their worldview through consensus among the entire community, and align relationships with stakeholders outside the community. The life plan describes the territory, bio-economy, plurality, worldview and autonomy and introduces these issues into multilevel planning and coordination with Decentralized Autonomous Governments. Thus, a life plan is vital for considering the worldview of indigenous communities in development planning and land use planning.
In coordination with CONFENIAE, PROAmazonía supported the formulation of four Life Plans. Since September of this year, it coordinated with the Confederation and Provincial Association of the Shuar Federation of Zamora Chinchipe – FEPNASH- Zamora Chinchipe, the initiation of a fifth Plan in the Shuar El Pangui Association of El Pangui canton in Zamora Chinchipe Province. It was the first life plan of the Shuar nationality in the province.
The Life Plan activities began on September 11, 2020, in the Pashkius community. The first step was “free, prior and informed consultation.” Since Ecuador’s Political Constitution of 1998, indigenous peoples have had a collective right to prior consultation for extractive activities regarding non-renewable natural resources. Likewise, in the 2008 Constitution, the State recognized and protected the different cultures in a common territorial space and has the obligation to consult indigenous peoples, communes, communities, peoples and nationalities, which implies their right of access to environmental information, and to participate in decision-making and environmental justice processes.
According to the Ombudsman’s Office (2011), participation is a human right by which individuals, communities and peoples participate in the social and political life of the State. Therefore, to begin the life plan, free, prior and informed consultation was carried out with the trustees of the five communities of the Association, its President, Mr. Pedro Hugo Ayui and community representatives. The president of CONFENIAE, Mr. Marlon Vargas; the president of the FEPNASH-ZCH, Mr. Washington Tiwi; MAG and MAAE district department representatives and the National University of Loja also participated.
Through its representatives, the Association affirmed its wish to collaborate in the development of the Life Plan. The National University of Loja and a CONFENIAE technical team will carry out the process within the framework of PROAmazonía. Subsequently, surveys will collect information in the field and carry out an assessment of the communities of the Association.
Leaders of CONFENIAE, MAG and MAAE, and Zamora Chinchipe provincial authorities in the free, prior and informed consultation for the El Pangui Association.
Date: September 11, 2020
Residents and trustees in the El Pangui Association assembly for “Free, Prior and Informed Consultation on the Life Plan”
Date: September 11, 2020
Author: Ericka Hidalgo– Platform Technician of the province of Zamora Chinchipe – PROAmazonía