Oct 24

Second Period of the REDD+ Roundtable ends

The restructuring of this space is being prepared for its third period 2020-2022, as established by Ministerial Agreement No. 049, issued in 2017.

Date: July 9, 2019

Bulletin N ° 272

July 09, 2019

  • The restructuring of this space is being prepared for its third period 2020-2022, as established by Ministerial Agreement No. 049, issued in 2017.

Pichincha.- The closing event of the second period of the REDD+ Roundtable was held in the Main Auditorium of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador, and representatives of member organizations and institutions were recognized and presented with diplomas.

Marcelo Mata Guerrero, Minister of Environment, noted that “REDD+ requires that all stakeholders involved in the sustainable management of forests express their opinions and needs openly, and influence decision-making that could affect their territories.” The minister thanked the United Nations Development Program for the support provided to the country in all phases of REDD+, and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization for its role as observer during these three years of work of the Roundtable.

Stephanie Ávalos, Undersecretary of Climate Change, presented the results achieved, including the sustainable economic initiatives led by Waorani women, small cocoa producers and other ecotourism ventures of the WIÑAK association; the development of economic tools applied to REDD+ by the Universidad Católica del Ecuador; development of an identity and vision for the dialogue space and the REDD+ Roundtable self-evaluation.

David Romo, from Universidad San Francisco de Quito, acknowledged that “as members of the Roundtable we learned to share visions and worldviews from the different points of view of each organization and institution we represent to achieve a common goal: to care for forests, recover those that have been cut down and find mechanisms to ensure that their inhabitants can achieve decent development without impacting their natural resources and rights.

The Ministry of Environment will make the call for the selection of members for the third period of the REDD+ Roundtable, in accordance with the procedures and criteria of the Guide for incorporating private, community and civil society stakeholders into the REDD+ Roundtable.

Communications Department

Ministry of Environment

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