Apr 03

Ecuador hosted the “International Meeting for Exchanging Experiences with REDD+ Safeguards Information Systems”

  • SIS is an essential requirement that countries implementing REDD+ must meet to access financing.
  • Our country was able to establish collaboration ties with sister countries and develop a roadmap that will be applied in the future to form a collaborative group specialized in safeguards and safeguards information systems.

Pichincha.- On January 21 and 22, 2020, the First “International Meeting for Exchanging Experiences with Safeguards Information Systems” was held in Quito; it is an essential requirement that countries must meet to access financing related to the implementation of actions and measures within the framework of the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Degradation (REDD+) initiatives.

Safeguards are the rules of the game that countries that implement REDD + should consider on the one hand to mitigate social or environmental risks that could derive from the implementation of REDD + activities; and on the other, to enhance benefits associated with reducing deforestation and degradation of forest ecosystems. The creation of an information system that allows countries to report, and verify the approach and respect of safeguards is a priority for the region, especially to guarantee that REDD + is complying with the precepts established in the commitments addressed in the framework of the UNFCCC.

The event had the participation of several countries in the region: Ecuador, Chile, Costa Rica, Paraguay and Mexico; as well as with several national delegates belonging to various institutions of the public sector, civil society, indigenous organizations and the academic sector. Daysy Cárdenas, delegate of the National Directorate for Climate Change Mitigation of the Ministry of the Environment (MAE), was in charge of welcoming along with Fernánda Gónzalez, Program Officer of the Environment and Energy Area of ​​the United Nations Development Program ( UNDP). Both officials highlighted the importance of implementing REDD + actions and measures within the framework of Environmental and Social Safeguards, and the challenge that the implementation of an Information System represents for Ecuador and presumably for the region that allows to demonstrate the approach with concrete evidence. and respect for Safeguards. The event also included the participation of the regional expert on Safeguards Andrea Camacho from the UNDP Climate and Forest program and the global expert on Safeguards María Victoria Suárez from the UN REDD program.

Francisco Moreno, Forestry Information Manager of the National Forestry Commission of Mexico, one of the speakers, stated “One of the main achievements is the understanding and interpretation of the REDD+ safeguards in Mexico.” Similarly, Ecuador, Chile, Paraguay and Costa Rica emphasized the importance of a national interpretation of the Safeguards; however, it was noted that these assumptions should be constantly reviewed and updated due to the national and international context of all countries, which changes constantly in terms of Policies, Laws and Regulations related to REDD+ Safeguards. During the activity, information was provided on successful experiences and lessons learned from the region related especially to the design of Safeguards Information Systems, and inputs, tools and valuable recommendations for the SIS implementation phase were identified. In addition, during the event, the methodologies used by each country to collect, verify and publish information on digital platforms were analyzed. The event was an opportunity for Ecuador, as it began to establish collaboration ties with sister countries and define a future roadmap to begin strengthening the country’s Safeguards Information System.


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