
Aug 26

Mag And Maate Delivered Printed Pdot To The Provincial Gad Of Morona Santiago

Macas, August 20, 2021

During this day, the authorities of the Ministry of Environment, Water and Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG) officially delivered the printed document of the Land Use and Development Plan (PDOT) to the Autonomous Decentralized Provincial Government of Morona Santiago (GADPMS), as part of the implementation of the Comprehensive Amazonian Program for Forest Conservation and Sustainable Production (PROAmazonía), a program led by the two government ministries with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

In order to contribute to the dissemination and socialization of this planning and territorial articulation tool, 130 volumes of the complete PDOT were printed and 200 flash memories containing the digital PDOT with all its annexes were distributed. These inputs will be strategically distributed by the Prefecture to the institutions of the decentralized Executive, the cantonal and parish GADs, and other key actors, for the conservation and sustainable development of the province.

Since 2019, PROAmazonía has been coordinating actions with the provincial GAD of Morona Santiago, within the framework of territorial planning, including the updating of the PDOT, an instrument developed jointly with the GAD technical team with the aim of promoting the sustainable development of the province.

At the same time, support was provided in the preparation of inputs for updating the PDOT, which are related to the biophysical and economic-productive components in the Diagnosis, Proposal and Management Model stages, continuing the monitoring until its approval.

“The Government of the Meeting; through this State Portfolio, makes several efforts to coordinate actions with provincial, cantonal and parish governments with the aim of promoting in the Ecuadorian Amazon, a greater impact on the implementation of public policy related to conservation, deforestation-free sustainable production, gender and interculturality, aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change,” added Karina Barrera, Undersecretary of Climate Change of MAATE as representative of this ministry.

The event was attended by the Undersecretary of Climate Change of MAATE, Karina Barrera; the Prefect of Morona Santiago, Rafael Antuni among other authorities of cantonal and parish governments and representatives of MAG and the Provincial GAD of Morona Santiago.


PROAmazonía, a national government program with the support of the UNDP, seeks to link national efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the country’s priority agendas and the policies of the productive sectors to reduce the causes and agents of deforestation, as well as to promote sustainable and integrated management of natural resources, within the framework of Ecuador’s REDD+ Action Plan “Forests for Good Living” 2016-2025.

Photographs: Giovanny Cevallos – Communication PROAmazonía

Description: Delivery of the Land Use and Development Plan (PDOT) to the Autonomous Decentralized Provincial Government of Morona Santiago.

Author: Communication Unit of PROAmazonía