“AMWAE appreciates your trust and expresses its satisfaction on being part of the REDD+ work team once again.
Association of Waorani Women of the Ecuadorian Amazon.
“We are very excited to be part of this process again and contribute to collective follow-up on the implementation of the REDD+ Action Plan.”
Altrópico Foundation
“For WCS, it is a source of satisfaction to receive this excellent news. We are motivated to participate in this roundtable to contribute with our approach to wildlife and natural area conservation, and learn from other institutions and organizations.”
Wild Conservation Society
These are some of the reactions of new members of the REDD+ Roundtable upon receiving this honorary recognition, as a result of the evaluation by the Management team in charge of the process.
On May 21, the Management Team of the REDD+ Roundtable, consisting of technical representatives of the Undersecretariat of Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment and Water, Environmental Sectorial Citizens’ Council, PROAmazonia, and the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO, as Observer, informed its authorities and delegates of the results of the selection process for reorganizing the REDD+ Roundtable “Forests for Good Living” 2020-2022.
The new Members represent civil society, communities, nationalities and peoples: indigenous, Afro-Ecuadorians, montuvios, and the private sector. All are interested in monitoring the implementation of REDD+ in Ecuador.
This process was led by the Ministry of Environment and Water with the support of PROAmazonía, and was observed by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization – FAO.
- In total, 41 organizations achieved the necessary score to participate in the REDD+ Roundtable, and represent the following sectors: Civil Society (Academia, NGOs, Youth Organizations and Women’s Organizations)
- Nationalities, peoples and communities (Indigenous Organizations of the Coast, Sierra and Amazonia, Networks of Local Communities, Afro-Ecuadorian and Montubio Organizations)
- Private Sector (National trade associations, Associations of small producers and private companies).
New Members of the REDD+ Roundtable
The restructuring process of the third period began in January 2020, with an invitation that received 60 applications by April 13, 24 from the Amazon, 14 from the Sierra, 3 from the Coast and 19 at the National level.
More than 50% of the applications were from civil society organizations and the rest from other sectors. Likewise, consortiums and associations linked to the implementation of REDD+ showed interest in being part of the Roundtable, as guests.
The REDD+ Roundtable will begin its activities in June 2020, with a virtual induction course for new Members in order to strengthen their knowledge of climate change, forests and Reducing Emissions due to Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+). The meetings of the Roundtable are expected to start in July of this year, virtually.
Jéssica Gallegos, representative of the Undersecretariat of Climate Change on the Roundtable Management Team considers that this process of reconformation was successful, since the interest of organizations in being part of this national dialogue platform has grown, and several organizations that are working extensively to reduce deforestation at the national and international level are now part of the Roundtable, as well as associations of small producers and indigenous nationalities, which are currently involved in the implementation of REDD+ in the Amazon.
María Belén Herrera from FAO, who accompanied the Selection Committee as an Observer, stated that the process was carried out with transparency in accordance with the Regulations for the operation of the REDD+ Roundtable and the Guidelines for including private, community and civil society stakeholders in the REDD+ Roundtable.
The REDD+ Roundtable has been operating since 2013, as a national space for dialogue and participation that legitimately represents diverse social stakeholders with interests in and rights over forests, to collectively develop policies, programs and projects that will contribute positively to conserving forests and reducing deforestation in the country.
We congratulate the organizations for their appointment and interest in being part of this process promoted by the Ministry of Environment and Water. The general objective of this Roundtable during this third period will be to follow up on the implementation of the REDD+ Action Plan “Forests for Good Living” 2016-2025.
Author: Magdalena Muñoz
Technician in the Involvement of PROAmazonía stakeholders