
May 21

PROAmazonía helps upgrade the National Forest Control System

PROAmazonía is working with the Ministry of Environment (MAE) on the implementation of the country’s forest control strategy. During the first quarter, the program provided training for MAE staff to identify forest species and upgraded two fixed forest and wildlife control posts located on main roads in Santa Cecilia canton in Sucumbíos and Coca canton in Orellana.

These posts were upgraded according to an analysis carried out by MAE with the support of PROAmazonía during 2018 – 2020. The study detected needs such as the purchase and installation of fully equipped campers (to replace the existing ones) in the Northern Amazon, and the repair of another four in Southern and Central Amazon.

The construction of the two campers began in December 2019, and was successfully completed in February 2020. The structures were delivered and placed at fixed forest and wildlife control posts and are operational. The delivery took place in early March. These points are strategically located and ensure a timely review of forest production to promote the consumption of products of legal origin. It also allows the registration of the volume, species and final destination of products from producing provinces to receiving provinces.

Bidding and contracting process followed the standards and guidelines of the United Nations Development Program – UNDP, in close coordination with National Forest Directorate personnel. This ensured an efficient and transparent process of purchasing materials and equipment, and carrying out upgrades. “The work helps strengthen the Ministry’s installed capacity,” said Francisco Gómez, specialist in forest control and traceability at PROAmazonía.

More than 70 professional women and men work in the fixed forest and wildlife control posts in rotating shifts, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. Each fixed post examines approximately 12,000 cubic meters of wood monthly, which travels with its respective permit for transportation and is the equivalent of about 500 high-capacity trucks.

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