
Nov 23

A “like” in favor of Ecuadorian Amazon forest restoration

A planted tree for each like received up to 100.000 interactions. This was the premise through which PROAmazonía, program of the Ministry of the Environment, Water and Ecological Transition and the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, with UNDP’s support, joined that campaign of the Ecuadorian actor and environmentalist, Roberto Manrique, “Together for the Earth”.

The task was not easy but the interest of citizens in being part of the restoration and mitigation of the effects of climate change assignments surprised everyone involved in the campaign, obtaining 140,000 likes in the six months between April and September 2021. This represented 40% more than expected, which means that from the beginning of the campaign until December 2021, 140,000 native trees will be planted as part of this collaborative initiative.

To achieve the goal of planting 140.000 trees,  the implementing partners that collaborate with  PROAmazonía,  will distribute this process as follows:

Among the native species that will be planted are: cedar, mahogany, chuncho, tree peanuts, chonta, morete, moral, balsam, cacao de monte, yutzo, balsa, guayusa, ungurahua, among other species that are used by the communities. They constitute a source of food, reduce erosion, control pests and diseases, regulate the quality and quantity of water, create microclimates and constitute the home and food of thousands of species of animals in the Amazon.

It is worth mentioning tat the restoration processes are still ongoing. This campaign, as well as the trees that are being planted, and that shall be planted, is part of the 15,000 hectares under restoration that is led by the MAATE National Reforestation Program and PROAmazonía (National Government Program with UNDP’s support), in compliance with the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Green Climate Fund; and in the framework of the application of the National Forest Restoration Plan (PNRF in Spanish) management model 2019-2030.

Restoration projects provide multiple benefits to local communities. In addition to returning to the forest its ecosystem services, it generates jobs for bioenterprises of non-timber forest products, the revitalization of the local economy, food security and promotes capacity building, leadership, participation and inclusion, as well as the mainstreaming of the gender approach.

Ir also promotes sustainability strategies, such as the linkage with territorial planning and management, the spreading of cantonal ordinances for the protection of areas, and the intersectoral articulation among the different territorial levels.

Related links:

  • Link for video:
  • Campaign “Together for the Earth”,

Aspectos destacados:

  • The 140.000 trees planted will help to restore approximately 1.000 hectares in the Ecuadorian Amazon.
  • The campaing “Together for the Earth” is part of the work carried oyt by the environmental authority through the National Reforestation Program and PROAmazonía to restore more than  15.000 hectares.
  • Forest restoration contributes to the recovery of endangered species such as mahogany and balsam (Swietenia macrophylla and Myroxylon balsamum).

Photo: Martín Pastor – Communcation Unit
Description: One of the Hivos and Sucumbíos forest promotors explains the restoration project to the actor and enviromentalist Roberto Manrique 

Photo: Alejandro Alfaro
Description: Production and care of native plants that will be used for the plantation within the campaing “Together for the Earth”


  • Alejandro Alfaro, Sustainable Forest Management Technician – PROAmazonía